Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Spent last week in the city of Guayaquil, getting to know the city and the people in my future worksite.

My new host family is extremely kind. It’s generally agreed that Ecuadorians from the coastal regions are more gregarious than those from the Sierra, and I have to say that after spending a week on the coast, I can concur. Everyone I met was extremely friendly and considerate, from my host family to my counterpart organization (INNFA, Instituto Nacional de la Niñez y la Familia) to fellow PCV’s in the city.

The day before I returned to training, I took my host brothers out to the Malecón, a strip along the Río Guayas with restaurants, parks, outdoor exhibits, and a beautiful view. A couple pictures of Marcelo and Andrés are below, far fewer than the number I actually took; most of my time was spent following Andrés, who ran from spot to spot shouting “Take a picture!” and then wouldn’t stand still to look at the camera long enough before he was off to the next thing.

Also, my room in Guayaquil is one-of-a-kind, thanks to my host mother’s unique taste…

And for those of you who are fans of Emma: “Angel, Mother!”

1 comment:

  1. Angels for an angel! The brothers remind me of some other brothers I know. Love 0-11 Gra,


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