Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bienvenidos y Buen Provecho

First of all, Bienvenidos - welcome to Amanda's and my resolution to cook our way through some traditional Ecuadorian dishes. We will be using a Peace Corps-compiled cookbook, Buen Provecho, as well as recipes found in Ecuador's household kitchens.

Which brings me to my second point: Buen provecho. This is a phrase you hear every day here.

Literally, buen means "well," and provecho means "benefit" or “usefulness.” Buen provecho, then, is a courteous expression wishing someone’s food to be beneficial for their health and well being.

If you want to learn when it is socially appropriate to use this phrase so you don't embarrass yourself in front of friends and strangers, click on through to Gringa Cookation. (The name comes from native Spanish speakers' propensity to add "-ation" onto the end of any Spanish word for which they do not know the equivalent in English; it's akin to the way we tack "-o" onto words we don't know in Spanish. As in, "Pass-o the butter-o.") This site is where we will be documenting our progress for all eyes to see. We hope it will inspire you to try some new dishes, and maybe even provide valuable information about what not to do in the kitchen. Only time will tell.

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