Monday, November 21, 2011

Today in List Form

1. Laundry. Here is one example of why I love living in the big city with pretty much any amenity at my disposal - what we call "Posh Corps." I have the option of dropping my laundry off to be washed and/or dried versus having to expend the time and energy on washing my clothes by hand. Today I got my sheets, towels, some T-shirts and other sundries done for a little over $3. Yippee-kai-ay!

2. Cleaning. I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year, and suddenly the cleaning bug bit me and I've started rearranging furniture and things. Yikes.

Will it all be ready in time for Thursday? I know you'll wait with bated breath to find out.

3. Mail call. A package arrived with a plastic bag and instructions on how to prepare a Thanksgiving turkey (thanks, Mom & Mrs. Smith!). This will be my first foray into Thanksgiving-Turkey-Land. Wish me luck.

4. Crafts. Yes, I had a sitdown crafts session the likes of which you haven't SEEN since your kindergarten days, I guarantee it. I learned and practiced making various types of recycled art, using mostly magazine pages, chip bags, and plastic bags. We'll use these activities with both the women's jewelry making group (per my previous post) and also in the coming months for a vacation camp with kids.

5. Since I have the necessary tools, I went ahead and bought me a frozen turkey. According to the packaging, his name is Mr. Pavo. In English this means "Mr. Turkey." It's not a very original name, and we're going to ignore the fact that all the other turkeys in the frozen section of the grocery store (ahem, Posh Corps, ahem) were also named Mr. Pavo; my Mr. Pavo and I have a very personal connection. As soon as I saw him sitting there behind the glass door with his $40 price tag, I knew he belonged to me. So I brought him home.

I think he looks like a Juan, don't you agree? Juan Pavo, welcome to my freezer. We'll see you again on Thursday.

6. I ran. I ran so far away--I couldn't get away. Away from my foot cramp. Then I came home and bought six bananas. The End.

7. Marcelo and Andrés told me stories about all the ferocious wild animals - such as armadillos - they saw on their recent family vacation. Then Marcelo tried to make me watch a horror movie with him, and I ran so far away, again.

Tomorrow: more Thanksgiving preparations and a lesson on making tire gardens.

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