Thursday, February 23, 2012

Home Improvements

1. The crabs are gone. Glory, hallelujah.

2. My friend and dahling neighbor PCV made me a friendship-thingy.

I suppose it's technically a wind chime or something of the sort.

I prefer to think of it as a symbol of our friendship: it is homemade, it is pretty, and it likes to hang out.

3. Pet worms! I culled a few dissatisfied members from our garden's worm bed and am attempting to provide them with a lifestyle more suitable to their specific needs.

i.e., a penthouse apartment with balcony view.

Thus far, they've taken to it nicely.

Just don't tell them they're living in a converted kitty litter box with holes poked in the bottom for ventilation; it might hurt their feelings.

This is Tim Allen, over and out.

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