Thursday, October 25, 2012

This, That, The Other, Their Twin Sister and Their Mother

Life is all about being frazzled.  That's how the saying goes, right?  ...Right?

1. It's been two months since my trip to Peru and Machu Picchu.  Many of you have started to make sneaking comments that you would like to hear about it, or at least see pictures.  I will get right on that (which in my language means maybe a week?).

2. One of my kids gave me a flower! which I promptly brought home and set up for a still life photo shoot.

This one I call "Flower."

This one I call "Flower II."

This one I call "Flower III."

This one I call "Bob's Yer Uncle."

This one I haven't decided what to call yet, so if you think of something, let me know.
2. I got a hole in my jeans, again. 

Remind me to tell you about my experience with holey jeans getting exponentially holier with every passing day; after that, I got this pair patched right up.

3. There are too many cats in my life lately.

So I gave one away. 

Does this make me heartless?  Answer: Only with respect to my friend who took the cat in and has been rewarded with consecutive nights of interrupted sleep as my former pet frolics among the rafters.

4. Biggest news in Ecuador: There's a new beer!


It wasn't actually on the news; the last thing I actually saw on the news was a recap of the United States presidential debates with a ticker-tape at the bottom of the screen reading "Obama won the debate."  Hmm, I wonder how they figure that?

More importantly, there's this new beer!  On the scale of Ecuadorian beers (which, generally speaking, runs from Option #1 all the way to Option #2), it falls right smack dab in the middle.

5. The best part about a trip is...

...crossing the Río Guayas into the lovely evening view of downtown Guayaquil. 

Love & Fried Plantains,

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