Sunday, November 25, 2012

Joined the Dark Side

Okay folks, here's the deal:
After 2.5-ish years on Blogger, I have run out of space for photos.  I have to pay $2 and something-or-other cents per month in order to get more storage space.  That's about as much as a lunch here costs, and, as much as I love you, dear readers, I am not prepared to sacrifice my last seco de pollo in Ecuador for you.  A girl's gotta eat.
I defected.
I crossed the line.
I joined the Dark Side.
If you want to read about the remainder of my time in Ecuador, you can go here, to
I hear there's already a post up there.
*Note that the spelling is slightly different; this time it's the Spanish en versus the English "in."  I'm fancy like that.
My WordPress blog isn't as pretty, but it has 3GB of free space for photos - triple the amount than Blogger - which should be more than enough to get me through the home stretch (finish line: December 18th, when I'll be homeward bound).  Also, it's called "WordPress," which sortof makes it sound like when I sit down in front of my computer to write a blog post I'm benching words and doing exercise.  It's a great ego boost.
Goodbye forever,

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