Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fiestas de Paccha, Parte Dos

10 Reasons to Love Small-Town Fiestas
Reason #1: The Food

Here, we have a cored half pineapple stuffed with three flavors of ice cream and topped with syrup, vanilla cookies, and sprinkles. 

The myriad pointy things sticking out of it are meant to be used as utensils.

Whitni demonstrates the usefulness of the straw, which may be employed to access the pineapple juice sitting below the level of the ice cream.

Get it, girl.
Reason #2: Dancing with Guns

Welcome to the rodeo.
Reason #3: Everybody's There
  Everybody, everybody.
The entire town.

     Reason #4: Pomp and Circumstance

It's all very pompous and circumstantial.
There must be at least one parade per day.
Today's was at the rodeo, as each participating hacienda
sent their team out to represent.
Reason #5: Prizes

In this case, the prize (for parading the best) was a jaba --
a crate of 12 Pilseners.
Just what you need before attempting to ride a buckin' bronco.
Reason #6: Watching Other People Do Dangerous Things While You Sit In Relative Safety


Reason #7: The Food, Again

Choclo con queso:
corn on the cob,
covered in cheese crumbs, on a stick. 

This is a popular Ecuadorian snack and may be commonly found throughout the coast and the Sierra.

Reason #8: Clowns
In this case, rodeo clowns.



Reason #9: Música!
Reason #10: Paragliders

Granted, this is not a usual feature of small-town fiestas and should technically be included as a subcategory of #6.  In this instance, however, I made an exception, seeing as how the entire crowd watching a paraglider approach from the outlying mountains; waiting in anticipation as he landed just outside the rodeo grounds; and cheering wildly upon his grand entrance, provided a stunning conclusion to the rodeo.  Que viva Paccha!

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