Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Photo of the Week

Ecuador has many provinces.
I live in the Guayas province.
Peace Corps Volunteers living in the same province tend to come into contact fairly frequently, regardless of when you arrived in the country.

A few weeks back, those of us in Guayas province decided to hold a BBQ for the relatively newly arrived training class. (Well...technically speaking, they have graduated and are officially Volunteers now, but I don't like to talk about that. It makes me feel old.)
They are the 105th group of Peace Corps Volunteers to arrive in Ecuador.
They got here in February.
None of this has anything to do with the picture above, except that I happened to take it at said BBQ.

I think it's great: the child asleep in the inflatable boat, which is balanced on top of a shaft that goes straight down into the earth a couple stories. But his elderly guardians don't seem to think this is a danger hazard at all. No; as long as they are there to watch over him as he sleeps, no harm can befall him. Not even from the strange foreigner who keeps pointing her camera this way (yes, we see you, you gringa). The child will snooze in content, his empty bottle hanging out of his mouth, until the sun goes down and it's time to go home.

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