Monday, April 30, 2012

Really, Really Scary

What you are about to witness is outside the realm of the natural




something that will make your palms sweat




something that will make your stomach churn




something that will keep you awake at night




and when you do fall into a fitful sleep, something that will haunt your dreams





Palms sweat when you wonder how much it will cost to fix it.
Stomach churns with hunger.
Keeps you awake at night because if you try to plug it in and save the milk from spoiling, it emits a highly unpleasant groaning noise.  Nightmares ensue.

This is Week 3 of life without a fridge.  I'm coping by spending all my money on Pizza Hut, empanadas, and food from the corner gas station.  Cheers!  -jordan

PS - Wednesday is supposed to be the day it gets fixed.  Just thought I'd wring my hands and lament while I still can.

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