Saturday, July 28, 2012

Que vivan los Juegos Olímpicos!

Given that:

1) The 2012 Olympics opening ceremony occurred yesterday;

2) Believe it or not, there is ESPN in Ecuador;

3) Sports Planet (sports bar & restaurant) has giant iced strawberry lemonades,

Guess what I did yesterday?

Yes, I spent approximately 3.5 hours surrounded by television screens (when was the last time that happened? my friend asked in wonder) all broadcasting the opening ceremonies in London.  We couldn't understand anything people said because it was all dubbed over in Spanish and muddled up, and then later the restaurant people decided to play music and cut off the sound to the TV, and it just wasn't quite the same as watching it on the Peacock...but it was all okay!  Because seeing Kenneth Branagh as master of ceremonies with a tophat on made up for everything.  Mostly.  (I miss you, Bob Costas!)  I did have some questions about the whole thing though, namely:

- Can someone explain to me the significance of the hospital bed dance number?

- Who else forgot that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is North Korea's official name?

- How cool was the gigantic Olympic torch?!?!?!

- If you could describe each country's 2012 Olympic uniform in two words, how would you describe Ecuador's and the USA's?

I would say:  Ecuador - yellow jacket; USA - prep school

It's fun to be rooting for two countries.  Let the games begin!

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