Thursday, January 19, 2012

Things To Do When Friends Come To Visit #3-6

Take them to the barrio and eat street food.


Take them to the beach with friends.

Yay, beach! Booooo, sunburn. (We wore tons of sunscreen and still needed aloe in the end. Why? Because it's the equator.)


Take them to the market to check out the cool chicken innards and cow hearts.


And, finally, take them for a stroll down the Malecón. End with ice cream. Perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Hola Jordan!

    I hope I can come visit! I found your blog via I'm also a volunteer and after leaving my corporate life behind I try to make the world a bit better one stop at a time.

    I'll be heading to Ecuador next month and wondered if I could help out in your community somehow?

    Let me know what you think.

    Adam Pervez
    Chief Happiness Officer


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