Monday, January 30, 2012

The worst time for your gas tank to run out... when you have a pan of Ghirardelli brownies baking in your oven.

And you don't even realize it until you go to take them out, and you see with dismay that the gas flame is out and your brownies are only half-baked at best.

Thank goodness for neighbors who have full gas tanks and understand a brownie emergency when they see one.

Thank goodness, too, for friends and family who ensure that, if I weren't to get my brownie fix, I'd have a backup sugar stash.

Let's take inventory, shall we?

Tootsie rolls. The go-to sugar source. When I reach into my fridge, I hope to always find myself up to my elbows in these.

Junior Mints. Only the best movie snack in the history of the world.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups = cups of love, whispering so sweetly, Sip from me...

Starburst. This, in liquid form, is what runs through my veins.

Reese's Pieces. ET phone home.

Mini cookie bites from Cookie Creations of Atlanta. Speaking of home...these are like little bites of TLC to me. You, too, can experience their wonderfulness by clicking on the link and ordering some. Just tell Donna that Jordan sent you.

These items are made all the sweeter because I cannot get them here: they are either unavailable or way too pricey.

So yeah, I'd say I'm well taken care of.

Things are looking sweet from here.

Who needs rose-colored glasses when you've got Junior Mints?

Thanks for keeping my blood sugar levels up, guys!


  1. Replies
    1. Where are the Swedish Fish? :)

    2. In the freezer or in my tummy; either way, the Swedes have no place in the fridge!


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